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Betreff: "Regarding Case Number SRQ060901600765"
CASE_ID_NUM: SRQ060901600765MESSAGE:**************
This is an email from Microsoft about your support incident. When replying to this address:
+ It helps us if you do not include the original message + Please keep the case number (SRxxxx) in the subject line Thank you Microsoft Product Support Services***** The message from Microsoft follows******

CASE_ID_NUM: SRQ060901600765<br />MESSAGE: <br />Hello,
<p>The hot fix for your issue has been packaged and placed on an HTTP site for you to download.</p>
<p>WARNING: This fix is not publicly available through the Microsoft website as it has not gone through full Microsoft regression testing. If you would like confirmation that this fix is designed to address your specific problem, or if you would like to confirm whether there are any special compatibi lity or installation issues associated with this fix, you are encouraged to speak to a Support Professional in Product Support Services.</p>
<p>The package is password protected so be sure to enter the appropriate password for each package. To ensure the right password is provided cut and paste the password from this mail.</p>
<p>NOTE: Passwords expire every 7 days so download the package within that period to insure you can extract the files. If you receive two passwords it means you are receiving the fix during a password change cycle. Use the second password if you download after the indicated password change date.</p>
<p>Password: <a href="mailto:-@kbz9i_c">-@kbz9i_c></a></p>
<p>NOTE: Be sure to include all text between '(' and ')' when navigating to this hot fix location!</p>

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