After Upgrading DJ Catalog 3.2.9 to DJ Catalog 3.3.1 nothing works anymore in Backend. There seems to be a Problem with the Database. Because the Error says "Unknown Column im1.path". The Solution is not easy ...
You updated from version 3.2.9 to 3.3.1. During that process Joomla! executes all SQL files, names of which are "greater" than previous SCHEMA version in your database (in your case it should have been 3.2.beta.1). Current schema version can be found in 'schemas' table.
SQL queries from following files should have been executed, but for some reason the were not:
So, basically, I have gone through those three files and applied all queries from them, directly in your Database. Of course, You have to replace all occurrences of #__ with your database prefix.
Unknown column 'im1.path' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM njwm7_djc2_items AS a LEFT JOIN njwm7_djc2_categories AS c ON = a.cat_id LEFT JOIN njwm7_djc2_producers AS p ON = a.producer_id LEFT JOIN njwm7_users AS uc ON LEFT JOIN (select im1.fullname, im1.caption, im1.type, im1.item_id, im1.path, im1.fullpath from njwm7_djc2_images as im1, (select item_id, type, min(ordering) as lowest_order from njwm7_djc2_images group by item_id, type) as im2 where im1.item_id = im2.item_id and im1.type=im2.type and im1.ordering = im2.lowest_order group by im1.type, im1.item_id, im1.path, im1.fullpath) AS img ON img.item_id = AND img.type='item' WHERE (a.published = 0 OR a.published = 1)
Unknown column 'im1.path' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.*, AS category_name, AS cat_id, AS producer_name, AS editor, img.fullname AS item_image, img.caption AS image_caption, img.path as image_path, img.fullpath as image_fullpath FROM njwm7_djc2_items AS a LEFT JOIN njwm7_djc2_categories AS c ON = a.cat_id LEFT JOIN njwm7_djc2_producers AS p ON = a.producer_id LEFT JOIN njwm7_users AS uc ON LEFT JOIN (select im1.fullname, im1.caption, im1.type, im1.item_id, im1.path, im1.fullpath from njwm7_djc2_images as im1, (select item_id, type, min(ordering) as lowest_order from njwm7_djc2_images group by item_id, type) as im2 where im1.item_id = im2.item_id and im1.type=im2.type and im1.ordering = im2.lowest_order group by im1.type, im1.item_id, im1.path, im1.fullpath) AS img ON img.item_id = AND img.type='item' WHERE (a.published = 0 OR a.published = 1) ORDER BY asc LIMIT 0, 20
Unknown column 'im1.path' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM njwm7_djc2_items AS a LEFT JOIN njwm7_djc2_categories AS c ON = a.cat_id LEFT JOIN njwm7_djc2_producers AS p ON = a.producer_id LEFT JOIN njwm7_users AS uc ON LEFT JOIN (select im1.fullname, im1.caption, im1.type, im1.item_id, im1.path, im1.fullpath from njwm7_djc2_images as im1, (select item_id, type, min(ordering) as lowest_order from njwm7_djc2_images group by item_id, type) as im2 where im1.item_id = im2.item_id and im1.type=im2.type and im1.ordering = im2.lowest_order group by im1.type, im1.item_id, im1.path, im1.fullpath) AS img ON img.item_id = AND img.type='item' WHERE (a.published = 0 OR a.published = 1)