SVG Bilder werden zwar erfolgreich in Wordpress eingebunden, dann aber mti "weight="0" und height="0"" ausgegeben.
The error and code: evidence of zero-width
This is the error that Wordpress throws on the page: Warning: Division by zero in /wp-content/themes/myTheme/functions.php on line 771
Hier der funktionierende Filter:
add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_src', 'fix_wp_get_attachment_image_svg', 10, 4 ); /* the hook */
function fix_wp_get_attachment_image_svg($image, $attachment_id, $size, $icon) {
if (is_array($image) && preg_match('/\.svg$/i', $image[0]) && $image[1] <= 1) {
if(is_array($size)) {
$image[1] = $size[0];
$image[2] = $size[1];
} elseif(($xml = simplexml_load_file($image[0])) !== false) {
$attr = $xml->attributes();
$viewbox = explode(' ', $attr->viewBox);
$image[1] = isset($attr->width) && preg_match('/\d+/', $attr->width, $value) ? (int) $value[0] : (count($viewbox) == 4 ? (int) $viewbox[2] : null);
$image[2] = isset($attr->height) && preg_match('/\d+/', $attr->height, $value) ? (int) $value[0] : (count($viewbox) == 4 ? (int) $viewbox[3] : null);
} else {
$image[1] = $image[2] = null;
return $image;